Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

We Believe:
• That there is but one God, a personal conscious Being, Creator of all things seen and unseen, eternal (without beginning or end) as three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.
• That the Word became flesh, and was born of the virgin Mary, He is the only begotten Son of God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Who lived a sinless life, was crucified, died, and rose again. We hold that Jesus will return soon to establish His kingdom.

The Bible
• That the Bible is the all sufficient, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
• That Scripture can only be interpreted by Scripture under the direction of the Holy Ghost.
• That the Bible is for Christ’s followers the only authoritative and infallible rule of faith, practice, doctrine, daily living and church administration, and the final standard by which all creeds, doctrines and actions must be measured.

• That mankind and creation is in a fallen and sinful state, and every human soul is in desperate need of redemption from the fearful penalty of sin: everlasting separation from God in eternal perdition.
• It is impossible for man to justify himself before a perfect God.
• We believe in salvation through the New Birth by repentance from dead works and faith towards God alone, as the only provision for man’s sin.
• We hold that Jesus took our sin upon Himself on the Cross of Calvary and gave us His righteousness and we must personally accept His offer of forgiveness and remain faithful to Him on the basis of scripture.

• That there is but one true Church consisting of all from every denomination who have truly been born again.
• The Church finds its expression in local, area bound, assemblies each of these to be autonomous, under the headship of Christ and the care of local elders.
• We believe the gifts of the Spirit, including charismatic gifts, continue to operate in the church. However, we reject any form of charismatic or Pentecostal extremism, and reject totally any form of tradition-based or experiential theology.
• We yearn for the unity of the Spirit, such unity seen as with other Bible-based evangelical Christians, churches, and ministries – even where we may not share all of the same nonessential doctrines.
• However we reject – as a false unity – ecumenicism or unity with any form of non-evangelical versions of Christianity, having a different doctrine of salvation and a basis of doctrinal authority other than the Bible.