We are moving!

We are moving!

Dear Friend,

After two years of preparation our move and the change of season is upon us. In three days, on 30 April I preach my last message here in Sun Valley and then we drive to Janesville in Wisconsin. While I am retiring from the pastorate after 50 years in the pulpit, I am not retiring from ministry. This is simply a change of direction and location. Some plans for the future are clear but we are waiting on the Lord for full clarity on other aspects. So here is how we plan to continue to serve you and the wider Body of Christ:

The YouTube channel to which you may have subscribed, remains the same except for the name. It is no longer called “Sun Valley Community Church” but it is now “Anton Bosch Ministries” https://www.youtube.com/@preacherbosch

Sun Valley Community Church now has a new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@sunvalleycommunitychurchla

I will obviously not be preaching in the regular slots of Thursday evening and Sunday morning but I am hoping to still bring you sound Bible teaching from my desk, once a week. There will be a break while we move and settle in, but I hope by the end of May to start the weekly messages from Wisconsin.

Lord willing, we will also be producing short videos (“shorts” or “reels”) for those who do not want to watch an entire 45 minute teaching.

In addition, I am looking at the possibility of a weekly chat show with spiritual leaders from across the globe in which we hope to answer questions and discuss the issues of the day.

Virtual Church
There has been a request for a “virtual church” for those who do not have access to a real church. As always, I encourage you to find a local body of believers, no matter how small, where you can worship. But for those who are genuinely isolated, the idea is to meet on Zoom once a week where we can share our burdens with each other, pray for one another, share short testimonies or Scripture and also break bread. Such a meeting would be linked to the weekly YouTube message and we would discuss and answer questions flowing from the YouTube message.

Please let me know if you are interested in this.

Itinerant Ministry
I hope, by God’s grace to continue to travel to the UK, Australia and Southern Africa at least once a year. Since I will not be restricted by my local responsibilities, the trips may be a bit longer so we can serve more churches and groups. We are already planning to minister in Southern Africa in September 2023 and the UK in April 2024.

In addition, I will be available to address churches and groups in the USA as well. However, due to the move and the need for us to do a lot of work on the house, I’m not planning to leave Janesville before the fall of 2023.

Lord willing I hope to write short articles more regularly (once we settle down). Those will be sent out on this mailing list and placed on my website but I will also be reading a copy on YouTube for those who prefer to watch or listen.

There are several books in various stages of completion. But since there seems to be little appetite for reading these days, I am not sure if completing the books will be a useful exercise.

Thank You
Thank you to each and every one who has prayed for us and sent notes of encouragement over the years. It has been a long and difficult road but the Lord has sustained as we have been helped by your prayers and notes of encouragement. We have named our house in Janesville “Ebenezer” – “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” (1Samuel 7:12). That is indeed Ina and my testimony.

Please continue to pray for us, and even more so as we adapt in a new environment, but especially, as we adjust to a new phase of ministry.

God bless you

Anton & Ina Bosch

Contact details:

Email: Anton@antonbosch.com

Snail Mail: 454 Bostwick Ave, Janesville, WI, 53545

Website: www.antonbosch.org

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@preacherbosch

FaceBook: www.facebook.com/anton.bosch.127

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